Admission Policy 2025-26
download_for_offlineAdmission Policy 2025-26
- Determined Admissions Policy 2024 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineDetermined Admissions Policy 2024
- Heatherbrook Primary Academy - Admission Policy for 2026 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineHeatherbrook Primary Academy - Admission Policy for 2026
Heatherbrook Primary Academy is its own admissions authority and as such is responsible for setting the criteria for admission and their interpretation; however, at all times it will act in accordance with the School Admission Code published by the Department for Education. The Academy has decided to remain part of the Leicester City admissions process and, therefore, the local authority administers all admissions to Heatherbrook Primary Academy.
All parents wishing to apply for a place at Heatherbrook Primary Academy should do so via Leicester City Council, the address of which is on their website. Parents have a right to express a preference for the school they want for their child. Applications are online via the Leicester City Council website. Applications must be submitted to the Council by the specified date, which is published annually.
The Planned Admission Number (PAN) for the Academy is 30 per year and the Academy will admit children up to this number.
Parents applying for a place will need to apply to the Leicester City Council via their website.
Visits to the school are welcomed and can be booked by phoning the school office and arranging a mutually convenient time.
- Determined Admissions Policy 2024 download_for_offline